Sunday, January 29, 2006

29. 1. Saying Good Bye...:-(

Except one exam on Tuesday I spent this week with friends. This one was the last for lot of them...:-( It's strange when you see and feel that people are leaving, one by one... Five months is quite a long time for getting used to somebody and to miss him now. Of course I know that new people will come and there is as well few of them staying all the year. But I will miss a lot coffees with friends from my dormitory, all people closer to me left Bezigrad for their homes.

I am sure I will see lot of you again and my dear new erasmus friends, don't forget that you should visit Prague! I think that is better to see this beutifull city with "local person" in order not to get mad from other turists and enjoy the city even more. After this summer, I am looking forward to be your guide:-)

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